
Below are the dates for students to go on their field trip. Students were sent home yesterday with permission slips from Refreshing Mountain and also a form to pick their top 5 activities for the day. If your student forget what each activity is please see below and click on the lines to view them. Each student will turn in their forms to their homeroom teachers. Forms are due by April 19th.

Thank you,

u  Refreshing Mountain-Lancaster PA

u  7th May 13                                           6th May 14

u  Team Scavenger Hunt

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/team-scavenger-hunt/

u  Wildlife Time

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/wildlife-center-free-time/

u  Sling Shots

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/sling-shots-4/

u  Elevated Obstacle Course

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/elevated-obstacle-course-2/

u  Giant Swing

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/giant-swing/

u  Climbing Tower

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/climbing-tower-outdoor/

u  Pedal Carts

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/pedal-carts/

u  Flying V Run

u  https://refreshingmountain.com/activities/2-ziplines-the-flying-v-run/