College/Military Representatives

Throughout the year the guidance office will host college and military representatives to share information about their schools and programs. A morning announcement will be made for 2 to 3 days before the visit. There will be a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the guidance office. You have until the day before the visit to sign up to speak with the representative.


You should contact the admissions offices at the respective colleges to register for open houses and college visits.

College Visits- Visiting Institutions of Higher Education/Open Houses-

Juniors and seniors who are planning to attend an institution of higher education or college are encouraged to visit the campuses of those schools. Many such institutions sponsor open houses in the fall and spring, usually on weekends. Students and parents have the opportunity to meet with representatives from admissions, financial aid, housing, academic department heads, student life and athletic coaches. Open house dates are posted on the bulletin board at the guidance office.

Seniors are permitted to be absent from school for the purpose of visiting a college or other institution of higher learning. A maximum of four (4) days will be considered excused provided the College Visit Form is submitted to the office three (3) school days prior to the scheduled visit. Written verification signed by a college official must be returned within three (3) school days of the visit in order to be considered excused. Juniors are permitted one college visit in the second semester of the junior year following the guidelines listed above for the college visit form and verification. Exceptions are at the discretion of administration.

With timely notification and adequate planning time, the guidance office will assist the student in making arrangements. Students visiting an institution during a school day without a parent or guardian must have a parent/guardian permission slip turned into the guidance office prior to the visit. These forms are available in the guidance office and in the file to the left.